Teamwork Essentials

The Power of Teamworking (TWE01)

While teamwork may not be everyone’s favorite way to get things done, there are many tasks and projects that simply cannot be completed by a single person. Love it or hate it, teamwork is a necessity in the workplace. Even if your job is largely independent of others, sooner or later, you will have to work in a team. If you feel like you’re not equipped for teamwork, then just think about the skills and expertise you can bring to the table.

Successful teams build better businesses and are highly valued by employers. When you don’t embrace teamwork, you’re instantly reducing your worth to an organization. The great news is, you can work on your soft skills to become better at teamwork.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Understand the benefits of teamwork
• Negotiate the barriers to teamwork
• Use essential skills to improve your team working

Why take this course?

Whatever your role and wherever you work, making sure you can work in a team is essential. This course will teach you about the benefits of teamwork, look into some barriers, and discuss essential skills you’ll need to become a more successful team worker.

10 mins | SCORM | Takeaway Tasks

  • The Power of Teamworking
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed